公众号: 广州会展平台
地址: 广州市越秀区先烈中路80号汇华商贸大厦1306
发表日期:2014-05-05 阅读次数:2629
Michael Duck
Senior Vice President, CMP Asia
Vice President, UFI – The Global Association of the Exhibition Industry
Senior Adviser, Guangzhou Convention and Exhibition Industry Association
Q1. Please briefly describe the relation between talent cultivation and the development of the exhibition industry.
A1. Your use of the term “talent cultivation” is very interesting as it can be used also to apply to all industries. In our own, we perhaps have had to be more innovative as the industry is really so very young. The educational position globally has not been addressed well and so in the end we have had to adapt as the work offered in our business is quite varied. As the shows begin to develop and cities /nations realise what benefits our industry brings to them, they then start to look at training. However usually it is quite late and many benefits have been lost.
Q2. From the survey that we conducted recently, it was found that the problem that the exhibition industry needs to solve urgently is training professional people. But meanwhile, some graduated students majoring in exhibition and joined the industry are being isolated. What are your views on this?
A2. I am unsure what you mean by ”isolated”, and why they are. If you mean that after they have finished studies they are put to work in other areas, this can be described as further training so long as they ultimately have the opportunity to bring their theory into practice. If though you mean that existing managers find that graduates are better trained than them and so are stifling development, this is plainly wrong. These mangers are not then using their best available talent in the right place.
Q3. We know that overseas countries that dominate the exhibition market all have sophisticated training establishments and they acquire their professional exhibition management philosophy from their practical experience. In Germany, there are professional training companies. USA provides this in college or via training, and the emphasis is on the practical side. Base on your understanding of the China exhibition industry, can you tell us where should the formal education on exhibition start?
A3. It is not true that overseas countries have used such sophisticated establishments. There are very few around and so very few in the industry say in the US or Europe are trained such.
I would start in China with the tertiary establishments who provide courses in marketing and database systems. Not all need to be full university courses. We are not an industry like rocket science. Our industry really relies mainly on “common sense”.
Q4. It’s shocking to learn from a recent survey that there is a proliferation of exhibition-related courses throughout the country. Lots of colleges provide such courses with little understanding about the industry but rather to compete with each other. Most graduates of these 30 colleges fail to find a job, which is very sad. As an expert in the industry, do you think if this is a problem of the education, or of the demand and supply?
A4. I would be interested to see this survey. Yes it is a pity, if it is true. The job of the colleges should not end at the educational part. They should also be very involved in introducing the qualified students to the ever-growing industry in China. They should be able to say with pride: “Mr ‘x’ or Miss ‘y’ who is now marketing manager of ‘z’ organisers is a graduate of our college.”
我很有兴趣看看这一项调查。如果您所说的是事实,那么的确是一件令人伤感的事情。院校不应该光推教育,也应该积极把合资格的学生转介给持续发展的中国会展行业。他们理应骄傲地宣布 “正担任某主办单位市场经理的某某先生或某某小姐是我们学院的毕业生。”
Q5. China’s exhibition industry has been blooming in recent years, and still has great potential for further development. As a result, there is a growing demand for experts both in terms of quantity and quality. As the Senior Vice President of CMP Asia, what’re your requirements on the people and their experience in recruiting industry professionals? Could you share some experience with us?
A5. As I said earlier the key is common sense, also combined with hard work and a sense of responsibility plus a sense of humuor is always welcome! Each person brings to each area their own particular skill but they should be able to both work as individuals and together as a team, as without team work the show will not have room to grow.
Q6. What will be your suggestions on talent cultivation for China’s exhibition industry?
A6. I would like the Chinese industry associations to work on this with vigour. They should be leading the industry in what should be done to improve our industry. This not only includes organisers but stand contractors / forwarders / and especially venues.
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